Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Guys in Prague

Are really something. I don't know what has happened the past 3 days, but there's something in the air...

Saturday night on my way home I felt someone walking closely behind me,  like in my personal space in the dark, so I quickly turned around and this guy hurries past me and nods.  I thought "Phew. Good. He's gone" Then he stops, turns around, and starts speaking to me in Czech - trying to walk along with me and talk. Now my Czech isn't the most fluent, but I knew enough to make out what he was insinuating and let me just say "You've got to be kidding me?!?" 

Sunday afternoon I was in a really great mood - walking down the sidewalk, enjoying the sunshine and listening to some good tunes. It was one of those moments when you can't help but smiling at people you see because life is good and God is good and yeah, you're happy. I should have known, though, that there's a reason why people don't smile here often ...

I smiled at this guy walking by - not thinking anything of it and just enjoying the outdoors. But this guy chased me down the street: "You have a beautiful smile. Really -  it changes the weather" And at first I thought, "Maybe it really does cheer people up. Cool!" Then the guy proceeds to hand me his business card and say "If you ever want to grab coffee and make your girlfriend or boyfriend jealous, just let me know" (he is a professor of Economics at Charles University.... and little did he know I remembered my roommate Hannah telling me the EXACT same story months ago! - smile comments and all. Smooth, boy. Smooth)

I think the best, though, was Monday night - I was crossing the street with my roommates on our way home when this guy stops, looks me in the eyes and says one of the most charming things I think I've ever heard:

"You want sex?"


Sunday, May 8, 2011

7 things that have surprised me lately

1. People you meet.....
Today a man approached me on the street and said "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?"
Me: Sure
Him: Hi, are you from here? I'm doing some work here in Prague. I'm from Italy originally but I work here and in Amsterdam. I have to say... you are very beautiful and I was wondering if you'd be interested in doing some modeling work.
Me: (Super skeptical) Ummm. I don't know. What did you have in mind?
Him: Just a short video.
Me: What kind of video?
Him: Oh, just women's underwear. You're very beautiful. I think you'd be great
Me: !!!!!!! (no, thank you!...)

(Some people are crazy! ha)

2. People you see....
Sufjan Stevens, for instance. I don't even have words to explain how amazing his performance in Leipzig was this weekend. And it was on my birthday, too! Couldn't have been more perfect!

That man is absolutely talented and I was overwhelmed with every single detail he'd thought through - from the lighting, graphics, dancers, costumes, balloons, everything. I have seen him perform in Athens, Georgia for his "Come on Feel the Illinoise!" tour... Grand Rapids, Michigan at the Festival of Faith and Music... and Brooklyn, New York for the premier of his BQE film... and honestly, I think in my life there will never be a better performance than his Age of Adz tour. Plus, to know it was all for the glory of God was so encouraging and inspiring. Hallelujah, brother!

3. People you love
Friends and family who you can trust to be true. Who still make mistakes, but try their best to love you and show you they care, despite your own shortcomings. (And thank you for all the birthday wishes on facebook and in person, btw + all of you who made it out to my birthday party last night. It was good! Also, a special thanks to Kamila for driving me all the way to Leipzig and back this weekend for Sufjan Stevens. You are a true friend, girl! 4am in the morning getting home.. absolutely hardcore but so special and worth it to me!)

4. Witch-burning
Yes, that's right. Witch burning....

Here in Czech Republic there's a holiday on April 30th where they traditionally burn witches (although now they just have a big bonfire and dress in black and wear witch hats). It's honestly a little disturbing/scary to me, but it's their way of celebrating the end of winter. You can read more here, if you want.

5. A bowl of tea
Today I found the best new coffee shop tucked away on Korunni Street. It's actually a tobacco shop and Kavarna (coffee house), but I love it because most people just walk by and don't notice it. Or they walk in the store, see the tobacco, postcards and knick-knacks, think there's nothing more and then just dismiss it and walk away. But another careful look and you'll see a discreet door leading to the back, where there's old wooden tables, big glass windows and cozy places to read, write and enjoy a good cup of coffee/tea.

I ventured further through the kavarna to find a courtyard, enclosed among tall, old brick buildings. I loved being able to sit out there and write in the sunshine. Needless to say, though,  when I ordered the Masala Chai... she brought me a GIGANTIC BOWL full of it. I was shocked... I asked "This is tea, right?" and she said "Yes" like it was absolutely normal to serve tea like this. I had to laugh, but it was the best tea I've had yet in Czech. So yeah, go check out Dobra Trafika. It's my new favourite.

6. International Pillow Fight Day
I have nothing to say, except "AWESOME"

7. Liva's birthday

We had a HUGE FOOD fight! Complete with whipped cream, yoghurt, ketchup, flour, poppy seeds, eggs, and more. It was insane!