#1. Asking another teacher about words you've heard your students say, particularly "hovna" (and other such polite terms) may cause reddening of the face.
#2. Just because it says "mleko" (milk), doesn't mean it tastes like the milk in America.
#3. Political rallies are serious here: orange tokens, cheap beer, big sausages, and women on stage singing "Pink Cadillac" in English! lol.
#4. It may be a good idea to not wear a skirt when you're on a train and the windows are down. haha.
#5. Bright red is the new black for hair color, even with 60 year old women.
#6. Your soccer coach may ask you if you'd like to smoke with him after you've just run 800 miles.
#7. Coffee doesn't exist (in the coffee shops here)... only espresso!
Yes, but all this to say:
I still love it here. I might be crazy. I might sound ridiculous. I might blend in very easily ::coughs:: And I might still crave spinach, sweet potatoes and Chik Fil-A. But I'm well on my way to learning more Czech, walking/running 2,457 miles a day, and supporting the consumption of goulash + potatoe dumplings ;)
Thanks for the birthday messages many of you sent! So sweet! My coworkers and I had some amazing Indian food in the neighboring town, Usti Nad Labem, and we made sure to celebrate my rising maturity in the proper manor - animal face masks, balloons, ice cream (at the pub) and going to bed super early! ha