1. Getting in trouble with the police, and
2. Becoming ridiculously ill from meat I'd eaten
Regarding numero dos, I think I might become a vegetarian around here. (haha. seriously!) As for the latter, it's worked out now. (Apparently you should always carry your official passport with you and not a copy instead! ha. Whoops!)
Mmmmm, but I have been thinking about some things. A lot of people have been asking me how long I plan on staying here in Czech Republic, and to be honest... I really don't know. It's strange to me - I've always been the kind of person who's had all these goals and plans and things all figured out, but for once in my life I don't and I am learning to just BE and ENJOY THE MOMENT and not try to understand or predict or plan everything.
I'm learning that my future is not dependent on these To-Do lists and goals I set for myself (not that those are bad things - I think they can be good!) But we are all part of a much bigger plan that we don't know yet(and I'm not sure we could comprehend even if we did know it.)
It's OK to just BE STILL and KNOW that everything has a purpose, a place and beauty in it. We can trust that we are exactly where we should be... right here... right now...and though things can/do change, life continues... It's all part of the plan.
Ellen, this was an awesome post! I truly needed to be reminded to "Be still and enjoy the moments" because I so often spend my life thinking and looking towards the next thing, instead of enjoying each moment as they come. And what an awesome thing that we can trust in-that each thing that is in our lives is there according to the plan of our great God!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing and I really enjoy reading about your adventures! I'll be praying for you :)
I don't want to seem like the skeptic here, but right now it's hard for me to agree with this message. At least for myself. I think I've always been the type of person to just go with the flow - I'm not a big planner and I rarely set long-term goals for myself because I rely on situations around me to navigate my existence. It seems that whenever I plan or set a goal, it doesn't happen. Maybe it's subconsciously something I don't want... But regardless, just being in the present and knowing that this is where you're supposed to be is hard for me to understand right now in my situation. Being 27 and jobless with no plan is really rough. Let's just say that I hope against hope that there is a plan out there because it's not apparent to me. So much in me admires those who have goals and can stick to them because they can take you to places you'd never dream...and even get you lost in those dreams. So as you LET GO, I'll HOLD FAST. And maybe we'll be tugging the same rope...
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this post. First of yours that I feel like I've been able to connect with. I identify and half agree with Kristina above: I think there's a fine line (or maybe it's a balance? It's probably a balance.) between going / planning and being still / depending. That tug-of-war works out, but only because God is constant and never changing. It's all these moments that remind us who's really got control, despite our best (or worst) efforts.
ReplyDeletePeace, know, and be.
Liz, glad you enjoyed it. It's good to hear from you and I really appreciate the prayer! I miss you and our chats at Peculiar!
ReplyDeleteKristina, I see where you're coming from, too, and I'm glad you expressed that. I feel your frustration with being in a place where you don't want to be and I agree - it's easy to become a victim of your circumstances if you always go with the flow and never set goals...
I think, like Stephen, that it is about balance between going/planning and being still/depending. I mean, I think we should always be depending on God whether we're setting goals or not because THE plan is so often unclear/gray and we dont have all the answers + our efforts often seem to be to no avail.
We can rest in the fact, though, that despite the highs and lows, the clarity and confusion, the changing and remaining, and everything else vying for our attention/efforts/understanding, there is a constant God who loves us and is diligently leading and guiding us even when we feel he is isn't. Doesnt mean there won't be times when you want to kick and scream and be frustrated because you don't understand or because nothing seems to be working out (I tried for over a year to get here to CZ and I had just given up on it before I got offered a job 2 weeks later!) So yeah, keep that chin up, dear, and know that I love you and so does God. Things don't stay the same forever and clarity will come. Just one day at a time :)
This post made me want to quote Jer 29:11...and then I clicked on that link! I love that verse, it's one of my faves and I try to remind myself of God promises. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you got sick! Ugh, no fun! But I'm glad you are enjoying your time in CZ. :)
Thanks, Tif! Yeah, you win some you lose some eh? ;)
ReplyDeleteWorking with the kids here makes me think of you and the kids you used to nanny for. I still remember that cute home video you made (that sadly got erased from your computer). Anywho, now I can't wait to see the little cute kids you and Mike will have one day! Love, roomz.
It is funny how it is perfectly alright for a country like the Czech Republic to expect you to carry a passport but when Arizona does it it is a viloation of civil rights.