1. Getting in trouble with the police, and
2. Becoming ridiculously ill from meat I'd eaten
Regarding numero dos, I think I might become a vegetarian around here. (haha. seriously!) As for the latter, it's worked out now. (Apparently you should always carry your official passport with you and not a copy instead! ha. Whoops!)
Mmmmm, but I have been thinking about some things. A lot of people have been asking me how long I plan on staying here in Czech Republic, and to be honest... I really don't know. It's strange to me - I've always been the kind of person who's had all these goals and plans and things all figured out, but for once in my life I don't and I am learning to just BE and ENJOY THE MOMENT and not try to understand or predict or plan everything.
I'm learning that my future is not dependent on these To-Do lists and goals I set for myself (not that those are bad things - I think they can be good!) But we are all part of a much bigger plan that we don't know yet(and I'm not sure we could comprehend even if we did know it.)
It's OK to just BE STILL and KNOW that everything has a purpose, a place and beauty in it. We can trust that we are exactly where we should be... right here... right now...and though things can/do change, life continues... It's all part of the plan.